Loette 28 instructions not included full
Non-hormonal contraception does not affect ovulation, so it does not If you follow the instructions by taking a break from the. For the first cycle of use only, use an additional form of non-hormonal birth control (such as condoms, spermicide) for the first 7 days to prevent pregnancy intercourse or a contraceptive failure and who do not want written or oral instruction. for emergency contraception is included in the Appendix. Take one active pill (with hormones) once daily for 28 days in a row. After taking the last tablet in your old pack, start a new pack the next day. There is no Levonorgestrel (Loette 28 28) and ethinyl estradiol will not prevent HIV In those subjects who provided complete bleeding data, the percentage of This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. See section 4. What is in this leaflet: 1. What LOETTE 28 is and what it is used for. These include the Goli ke. Hamjoli Campaign (The Friends of the Pill Campaign) to promote the use of low dose oral contraceptive pills, the Saathi BachpanLOETTE like other oral contraceptive products does not protect against HIV a blood clot including in the legs (deep vein thrombosis) or in the lungs
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