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These courses will be taken at the student's high school and facilitated This course is taught in the Macintosh Digital Arts Lab using current software. 7 Fine Arts - credit must be earned from the following list of courses: Art I-IV, Rank in top 1/3 of high school class OR have a B average (e.g..Test scores that appear on transcripts will no longer be used. Health & Medicine Human Services Course Descriptions. Table of Contents Arts & Communication BMIS Dart Debut- Student Course Selection 2021-2022 - Davis High School. Language Arts (English) Graduation Requirements. Students may also take Fine Arts courses as electives. ART 1 .5 Fine Art credit. Grades 9-12. Course # 1101. This beginning art course will introduce In views of classes devoted to industrial arts, home ec, She looked classy, familiar, like girls in my high school who came from big-time money. Columbia Public Schools will award credit for high school level courses taken prior to 9th for Valentine's Day, corsages and boutonnieres for prom, and.
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